Korzika, prihajamo!
Pa smo ga dočakali - dopust! Korzika, otrok lepote! Kulinarično razvajanje! Se oglasim! Ostanite povezani ;-)
Pa smo ga dočakali - dopust! Korzika, otrok lepote! Kulinarično razvajanje! Se oglasim! Ostanite povezani ;-)
Prosim, ne se ustrašit! Pesa ni samo tanko narezana solata, vložena v kis in litrske kozarce z etiketo Eta. Pesa je lahko mnogo več. Ali pa vse prej kot to.
Poleti, ko je bazilika v najlepšem in najopojnejšem razcvetu, enostavno morate narediti pesto ala genovese - pesto iz bazilike. To je tako enostavno in tako dobro, da se ne da
Crispy baked marinated potatoes Place potatoes in salted water and bring to a boil; cook until fork tender. Place the cooked potatoes on a baking sheet and press down gently on
Asparagus salad with new potatoes, peas and spinach Place potatoes in a medium saucepan and cover with one inch of water. Bring to a boil and cook for about 15
Asparagus with cherry tomatos Place the asparagus in a single layer on a baking dish. Drizzle olive oil on the asparagus, add salt and pepper and sprinkle some cherry tomatos. Place
Vzela sem tri različne barve paprik, jih oprala in dobro popekla v pečici - toliko, da so vse ločile kožico od mesa. Potem sem jih dala v posodo, jo pokrila
Rabbit in creme sauce with tarragon In olive oil cook some shallots, add pieces of salted rabbit meat, and toast it from all sides. Add some semi-dry white wine and leave
Jogurt Panna Cotta with mulberries and strawberries You can find a recipe for the Jogurt Panna Cotta here. After refrigerating process you just add some mulberries and strawberries on the