(Please scroll down for English)

Špinača je bogata z antioksidanti in antagonisti raka. Vsebuje vitamine A, B1, B2, B6, C (več kot pomaranče), E, K, folno kislino in niacin, balastne snovi, kalij, kalcij, magnezij (špinača je po vsebnosti vodilna), železo, jod, natrij, fosfor, beljakovine, ogljikove hidrate itd.

Vsebuje štirikrat več beta karotena in trikrat več luteina kot brokoli, hkrati pa le 0,3 % maščob. 100 gramov rastline vsebuje le 20 do 32 kalorij. Zaradi svoje vsebnosti vitaminov in folne kisline je zelo primerna za nosečnice – a pozor, špinače nikoli ne pogrevajte, saj se takrat začno izločati nekatere škodljive snovi.

Tale kombinacija z jajcem in nežno mozzarelo je odlična tudi za manjše otroke, saj dobi jed en tak, otrokom  prijazen okus.


  • 400 g sveže mlade špinače
  • 4 jajca
  • žlička masla
  • 150 g mozzarela
  • 4 žlice kisle smetane
  • sol in poper
  • muškatni orešček


Ognjevarne posodice sem namazala z maslom. Pečico sem segrela na 200 °C. Špinačo sem dobro očistila in oprala ter jo na hitro v velikem loncu segrela, da je upadla. Nisem dodajala nobene vode, saj je bila špinača nekoliko vlažna že od pranja. Vse skupaj je trajalo samo par minutk – vmes sem špinačo le premešala, da so upadli tudi zgornji listi. Potem sem špinačo dobro odcedila in ožela, da sem izstisnila čim več tekočine. Malo sem jo solila in poprala, nato pa razprostrla po skodelicah tako, da je nastalo v sredini gnezdo, v katerega sem dala jajce. Okoli jajca sem razporedila nekoliko mozzarele in po vrhu nanesla še malo kisle smetane. Vse skupaj sem potresla še z muškatnim oreščkom in pekla v pečici 12 minut. Nosečnicam priporočam še kakšno minuto več zaradi jajca, da se dodobra prepeče.



Odlična, uravnotežena in v trenutku pripravljena večerja, polna vitaminov in  koristnih snovi.

Kako se vam zdi?

English version

Spinach is rich with antioxidants and antagonists of cancer. It has all important vitamins; A,B1,B2,B6,C (even more than oranges), E, K, folic acid and niacin, fiber, potassium, magnesium (spinach is the leader concerning the amount of it), iron, iodine, sodium, phosphor, proteins, carbohydrates etc. It has over four times more beta carotene and three times more lutein than broccoli and a little, only 0, 3% of fat. 100g of spinach has only 20 to 32 calories. It is recommended in pregnancy due to all those vitamins and folic acid, but caution, spinach can never be reheated, because in that case it can eliminate some of harmful substances.

This combination with egg and soft mozzarella is perfect even for small children as the dish gets its nice, children- friendly taste.


  • 400 g fresh young spinach
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 tea spoon of butter
  • 150 g of mozzarella
  • 4 table spoons of creme fraiche
  • Salt and pepper
  • Muscat nut

I put some butter to fireproof ceramic pots. The oven was heated to 200°C. Spinach was well washed and I heated it quickly in a large pot so that it came down. I didn’t put in any water as the spinach was a little wet since the washing. This only lasts for few minutes – during that time, just stir the spinach so that the upper leaves get down as well. After that I drained the spinach pretty well so that all the liquid was removed. I put in some salt and pepper and then expand the spinach at the small cups so that in the middle there was a small nest in which I put the egg. Around the egg I put some mozzarella and above a little sour cream. At the end I added some Muscat nut and baked in the oven for 12 minutes. I recommend baking for some minutes more to the pregnant women due to the well baked egg.
Excellent and balanced dinner, which is ready in a minute and is full of vitamins and useful things.

What do you think?