
Please, scroll down for English!

Objave o slastnih kulinaričnih podvigih v Barceloni še pridejo na vrsto, a povem vam, da je ni čez domačo hrano. Seveda paše jesti zunaj in okušati nove, drugačne jedi, a se vedno znova z veseljem in užitkom vračam k domačemu štedilniku, kjer ustvarjam moje jedi. Ugotovila sem, da mi to tako veliko pomeni zato, ker točno vem, od kod prihajajo sestavine, na kakšen način so pripravljene in nenazadnje tudi v kakšnih okoliščinah. S tem mislim predvsem na higieno rok, pribora, posod, serviet in še česa. Pa ne da bi bila tako strašno občutljiva, a je dober občutek, ko veš, kaj in kako si pripravil jed.

Tako sem na primer od prijazne sovaščanke, pri kateri sem kupovala rože, dobila krasen domač por, po šparglje pa sem skočila nekaj kilometrov stran in nekaj metrov višje, stran od cest in onesnaženja. Tudi roastbeef, ki sem ga v trakovih popekla za k špargljem sem dobila od prijateljice, ki mi je prijazno ponudila odkup domačega mesa – in krava je bila vajena samo pašnikov in proste reje. Če to ni krasen občutek!



  • šopek špargljev
  • velik por
  • 250 g šampinjonov
  • 3 stroke česna
  • oljčno olje
  • sol in poper


Por sem dobro očistila in prerezala po dolgem čez polovico, nato pa še enkrat obe polovici na pol. Potem sem te polovice na krajši strani narezala na pol centimetra velike kose. Na oljčnem olju sem najprej prepražila por, nato pa dodala narezane šampinjone, ki sem jih pred tem dobro očistila oz. tudi olupila zgornjo kožico. Gobe sem skupaj s porom pražila, jim dodala sesekljan česen, še na hitro popražila, nato pa dodala še narezane šparglje in vse skupaj na hitro popražila – toliko, da so še šparglji malo omehčali, a kljub vsemu ostali čvrsti na ugriz. Jed sem še solila in poprala.

K zelenjavi sem postregla na trakce narezan in popečen roastbef in veliko skledo zelene solate, ki sem jo ravno tako dobila od prodajalke rož. To pa je bil nakup in pol! Pa tudi kosilo in pol;-)

Kje pa vi najraje jeste – doma, pri mami, tašči ali zunaj, v kakšni restavraciji?

English version

Posts about all delicious culinary achievements in Barcelona are about to come, but I can assure you that there is nothing better than home cooking. Of course it is great to taste new dishes of different varieties but it is a great pleasure to come home to my cooker where I prepare my creative dishes. The reason for that is the fact that I know exactly the way the food is prepared and where the ingredients come from. And also the awareness that everything is cleaned (hands, cutlery, dishes, napkins and more…) means a lot to me. Not that I am so sensitive about that but it feels good to know what and how the dish was made.
So, for example, I got great homemade leek from my kind neighbor, where I used to buy flowers, I went for asparagus a few kilometers away, where there is no dust and road pollution. And the roast beef that was cut on slices and fried as a side dish to asparagus was also from my friend who kindly offered the purchase of homegrown meat – the cow was used to the grass at the area of unpolluted pasture and of free range. What a great feeling!


  • A bunch of asparagus
  • A huge leek
  • 250g of champignon mushrooms
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper


I thoroughly washed the leek and cut it along and again both halves to half. Then I cut those shorten halves of the leek to small parts, approximately half centimeter long. Firstly I fried the leek on olive oil then I added cut mushrooms which were previously washed and the above skin was peeled off. I fried the mushroom together with the leek and then I added chopped garlic, again there was a quick fry and at the end I added cut asparagus, which were fried so until they went a little soft but firm enough to bite. Finally I added some salt and pepper.
I served slices of fried roast beef with the vegetable dish and a huge bowl of green salad which I also got from the florist. That was a purchase, wasn’t it! And also lunch!


Where do you prefer eating – at home, your mother’s, mother – in –law’s, out or in the restaurant?