
Se še spomnite pečene polente s treviškim radičem? Tale varianta z rižem mi je celo ljubša, čeprav imam rada pravo, kremasto, italijansko polento in rižote (v pravem pomenu besede seveda) na tisoč in en način. A zadnjič sem na Obali imela priložnost prvič letos jesti divje šparglje v rižoti in moram priznati, da takšnih rižot niti slučajno ne štejem k rižotam. Če ne bi bila tako lačna, je sigurno ne bi pospravila. In jedla sem jo v konobi, ki sem jo lansko leto celo pohvalila. Tako da lahko rečem, da vsakič, ko mi nekdo reče, da ni fan rižot, ga po eni strani čisto razumem, po drugi pa mi je zelo žal, saj vem, da še ni jedel prave.

OK, priznam, tale s treviškim radičem sigurno ni ena tistih, ki bi jo priporočala za uvajanje v svet rižot, saj treviški radič še vedno ostaja radič in zato malo pogreni, bi bili primerni pa kakšna bučkina, bazilikina ali gobova.

Do you still remember baked polenta with Treviso chicory? This variety with rice is even better, I must admit, although I love the real, creamy Italian polenta and risotto (made as it should be, of course) in different ways. I had the opportunity, at the Coast the other day, to taste the first wild asparagus this year, in risotto, and I must tell that this was not the risotto the way I like. I would not even call it risotto. If I hadn’t been so hungry, I doubt that I would have eaten it. And I ate at the same place last year, but last year I praised that place. So, from that experience I kind of understand those who do not like risottos, as I know he/she has not tasted the real one yet.

Ok, I admit that this one with red chicory is not the one with which you will start tasting risottos, because the chicory is still chicory and it always kind of bitters the food, but pumpkin risotto or basilica and mushroom one could be the ones to try.



  • 3 glave treviškega radiča
  • skodelica riža Arborio ali Carnaroli
  • 7,5 dl jušne osnove ali vode
  • 1 šalotka
  • oljčno olje
  • žlica masla
  • parmezan
  • pinjole (ni nujno)


Treviški radič sem očistila, oprala in v pečici popekla – toliko, da je rahlo ovenel. Na oljčnem olju sem rahlo popražila sesekljano šalotko, dodala riž, dobro premešala, da se je olje oprijelo vsakega riževega zrna, narezan pečen radič in počasi zalivala z jušno osnovo dokler ni bil riž primerno kuhan. Če nimate jušne osnove, ne pozabite rižote primerno soliti.Tik pred koncem sem kot vedno umešala še žlico masla in sveže nariban parmezan, da je dobila rižota tisto pravo kremnost in radič božanski okus. Po rižoti sem potresla še nekaj suho praženih pinjol, ker se mi zdi, da se k temu radiču odlično podajo. A tudi brez njih bi bila rižota odlična.


  • 3 heads of red chicory
  • a cup of Arborio or Carnaroli rice
  • 750 ml soup basis or water
  • 1 Shallotte
  • olive oil
  • one spoon of butter
  • parmesan cheese
  • pine nuts (not necessary)

I washed the chicory and baked it in the oven – so that it fainted. I fried the Shallotte on olive oil, added the rice, gave a good stir, so that the oil got over each rice corn, then I added the cut chicory and started to pour in the soup basis slowly and for so long until the rice was cooked. If you don’t have the soup basis don’t forget to salt the risotto. Just at the end, as I always do, I added the butter and freshly grated parmesan cheese so that the risotto got its creaminess and the chicory its gorgeous taste. I put some dry fried pine nuts above the risotto because I think with the chicory they are great together. But also without them the risotto would taste delicious.


Ste že kdaj ugotovili, da ste živeli v zmoti, polni predsodkov in ste si to upali priznati – kar se hrane tiče mislim? Enkrat bom morala pri sebi poskusiti rabiti mit o vampih.

Have you ever figured out that you were living in a mistake, full of prejudices and you did not have courage to admit it – as far as food is concerned? I would really have to try to get over this and for example once try tripe.