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Prejšnja objava je razburila precej duhov in pod njo se je razvila bučna debata o tem, koliko jajc je sprejemljivo uporabiti za pripravo domačih testenin. Ta objava zato ni namenjena temu, da bi se debata nadeljevala in vzbujala slabo voljo pri komerkoli. Gre preprosto za eno od izpeljank, ki jo lahko pripravimo iz testa za testenine. Če imate radi špinačno kremaste okuse, so tile ravioli kot nalašč za vas.



  • 600 g špinače ali blitve
  • 100 g ricotte ali pa navadne skute
  • 50 g Feta sira
  • 2 žlici kisle smetane
  • 1 jajce
  • pest naribanega parmezana
  • muškatni orešček
  • sol in poper
  •  žlica masla


Za nadev sem najprej va slanem kropu na hitro zblanširala špinačo in jo temeljico odcedila, nato pa še z rokami “ožela”, da sem iz nje stisnila vso tekočino. Špinačo sem sesekljala in ji dodala ricotto, nadrobljen Feta sir, parmezan, jajce in kislo smetano. Vse skupaj sem začinila s poprom in muškatnim oreščkom. Soli niti nisem potrebovala, saj je za slanost poskrbela že Feta. Nato sem nadev dobro premešala.

O pripravi testa za testenine sem se že razpisala, zato bom začela od tam, ko sem testo razvaljala na tanko. Jaz za razvaljanje uporabim kar strojček za testenine, čeprav bi se dalo tudi z uporabo valjarja in parom močnih rok. Na na tanko razvaljane trakove, široke 10 cm sem v kupčkih nadevala po žlico nadeva. Kupčke sem polagala na testo v razmiku 8 cm. Okoli nadeva sem s čopičem, ki sem ga pomakala v vodo obrisala nadev, da se je kasneje zgornji del testenine lepo spojil s spodnjim. Trak z nadevom sem prekrila z drugim trakom brez nadeva in okoli nadeva pritisnila s prsti, da ne bi pri kuhi nadev pobegnil ven iz raviola. Iz nastalega sem izrezala kvadrate oz. samo z nožem ločila vsak kupček zase. Lahko bi seveda izrezala kroge, a mi je bilo žal testenin, ki bi pri tem odpadle.

Raviole sem kuhala 4 minute v osoljenem kropu in jih odcedila. Nanje sem nakapljala samo malo stopljenejga masla. Lahko bi jih potresla še s parmezanom, a se je ta skrival že v njih, zato sem se zadovoljila z znanim sloganom  “manj je več”. In še res je bilo!



Kakšni nadevi so pa vam najljubši?


English version

Previous report made you all wondered how many eggs are allowed in the homemade pasta. So this report is not meant for the debate to continue but to present you another version of preparing the pasta. If you like spinach creamy flavors these raviolis are perfect for you!


  • dough for pasta
  • 600 g of spinach
  • 100 g of ricotta or cottage cheese
  • 50 g feta cheese
  • 2 spoons of creme fraiche
  • 1 egg
  • one fist of grated parmesan
  • muscat nut
  • salt and pepper
  • one spoon of butter


First I quickly blanched spinach in salted boiled water and gave it a thorough drain. Afterwards I used hands to make it even more drained so that all water went out of it completely. I chopped the spinach, added ricotta, crumbled feta cheese, parmesan, egg, and creme fraiche. I put some pepper and Muscat nut above all and I did not use salt, because feta is salted enough. At the end I mixed everything pretty well.

As I already wrote about the preparation of the dough for pasta, I would start from the point where. I roll out the dough really thin. I use the machine for pasta although it is possible to roll out the dough just by using the roller and hands. Onto each rolled slice, 10 cm wide, I put one spoon of the stuffing, in the 8 cm distance from each other. I used the brush, which was put into water before using, around the stuffing so that both sides of the dough stuck together perfectly. I put another slice of dough on the one with the stuffing and pushed with fingers around the stuffing quite firmly so that it wouldn’t come out when cooking. So, at the end I cut out the square of the dough. I just used the knife to separate each mound. I could as well cut out the circles, but I didn’t want any dough to become a waste.

I cooked the ravioli for four minutes in salted boiled water and then drained them. I put on a few drops of melted butter. I could as well put on some parmesan, but since it was already in them, I was satisfied. It was great and I even confirmed the saying “Less is better.”

What kind of stuffing do you prefer?